Outsourcing your marketing can help fill the gaps in your in-house skill set, free up time to focus on your core business objectives and drive higher ROI. If your in-house team is juggling too many responsibilities, and out of their depth, it could be time to outsource your marketing.

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In House Marketing, Outsourced or a Bit of Both?

With quiet quitting and smaller overworked in-house teams, marketing responsibilities and deadlines often add to an already full workload. Outsourcing marketing to a third-party can help ease the pressure on your internal team and allow greater budget flexibility. Scaling your in-house marketing initiatives are another common challenge, because this entails finding, hiring, and training new marketing people, and can prove expensive as does keeping up with trends and technology. Not every business has the time or the bandwidth to dive into the intricacies of Google Analytics, Augmented Reality or search engine optimisation to figure out which parts of their marketing strategy are yielding returns.

A successful outsourced marketing relationship calls for a close working collaboration. Look for fit, understand your budget and goals, figure our which tasks need to be handled in-house and which can be handed off. Are you looking for weekly assistance with your social campaigns? Do you need to refresh your brand? Are you focused on achieving a set of marketing KPIs?

Outsourcing is a spectrum: from being fully handled by a partner, partly handled in-house, and partly outsourced. Design a relationship based on your bandwidth, budget and available in-house expertise. Priorities can vary a great deal between different businesses, and change in the course of a single business year. Consider the experience, capacity, and skill sets of your current in-house team, weigh it against your marketing objectives, and then determine the best way forward.

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1. Deep Domain Expertise with Lower Overheads

Outsourced marketing or opting for a subscription-based marketing engagement enables companies to acquire all the expertise, tools and tactics of a comprehensive marketing department from a third-party company, eliminating the need to hire and manage a large marketing team in-house.

Smaller and mid-size companies that may not have a fully staffed in house marketing team may look for deep domain expertise in design, UX, AR and VR, web development, content creation and SEO. The right marketing partner can step in to lend a hand when needed, with a team of talent that brings domain expertise. You don’t have to hire a full-time designer, copywriter, SEO specialist or campaign manager, but are able scale up or down your outsourc

2. Clear Communication and Collaborative Spirit

Set goals, clarify expectations, set sustainable timelines, review the budget, agree on a level of frequency for check-ins but trust the process. When both client and agency are clear about the best times and ways to reach each other, you set the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship. 

In-house staff working alongside a specialist marketing team of experts can gain valuable experience from a close relationship with an external marketing team. For teams focused on a mixed-model with a combination of in-house and outsourced marketing, external specialists can close skill gaps — whether that’s website development, UX, digital marketing, lead generation, search optimisation, social media marketing or marketing analytics.

3. Fresh Eyes, Fresh Perspective

For many companies, outsourced marketing isn’t exclusively a question of skills, but the quest for a fresh perspective when drowned in day-to-day details of the business. Founders and managers are often so close to their company, brand and product that they struggle to see obvious opportunities and weaknesses in their existing strategy. They might be missing details about their audience or too deeply involved in their product or campaign to view it from a neutral standpoint. Working with a thoughtful and knowledgeable third-party can help bring in much needed perspective, and help you explore and innovate in ways you might not have previously considered.

Fresh eyes can yield unexpected insights. A talented team of experts that dives in, and understands your business can help inject fresh energy you might be missing, and help move your product, brand and marketing to the next level.


Our free strategy call is perfect for understanding your business’s unique challenges! We’ll dive deep into your business, get to know your goals, and help take your brand to the next level. It’s a great opportunity to chat with us and see how we can help!

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