For most organizational leaders, employee engagement is a major concern as it has been linked to a number of important factors that influence organizational effectiveness such as productivity, competitiveness, and innovation (Bedarkar & Pandita, 2014)

Leaders can benefit from having high employee engagement in the workplace as it has been seen to positively impact employee retention and loyalty and reduce absenteeism leading to organizational success and financial performance (Kaliannan & Adjovu, 2015). Employee engagement has been referred to as the positive emotions towards, level of commitment to, and amount of involvement in the organization they work for and its values.

If you’re looking to get your employees to be more interested in their job and keep them motivated to work with you, these are some ways how to improve employee engagement based on the drivers of employee engagement (Mani, 2011).

1. Employee Welfare

Happy and healthy employees outside of work are more likely to bring their A-game to work. As an employer, see to it that the mental and physical wellness of your employees is one of your employee engagement strategies. There are several things to evaluate that can contribute to employee welfare including job satisfaction, work-life balance, compensation, benefits, workplace environment, and availability of the facility for health and recreation, among others.

2. Empowerment

Nothing makes an employee withdraw from their team and the organization more than the feeling that they are silenced or ignored. Increase employee engagement by making sure that they are heard. Give them a voice and an effective communication channel to express themselves without fear of repercussions. Let them feel that you trust their competence by giving them more control over their roles and more power to make important decisions.

3. Growth

Encourage innovation and provide vast opportunities for them to learn and grow. Stagnation among employees leads to disengagement, while sufficient training that increases their competence to complete their tasks makes them more confident, engaged, and productive. One of the key employee engagement strategies includes ensuring that your employees have sufficient resources for personal and professional development.

4. Interpersonal Relationships

One strategy how to improve employee engagement is by improving the quality of social relationships employees have at work. Implement strategies that will make workplace relationships more centered on collaboration, trust, and mutual respect. Create an atmosphere of fairness and organizational justice to encourage positive workplace interactions characterized by trust and confidence that could result in employees motivating and inspiring each other to be their best (Geue, 2017). When employees feel at ease and confident with the team they work with, they are more likely to work together harmoniously, thus improving productivity.

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